Sofia Jadavji began her career as a Health Services Management Consultant, working in the public and private sectors in Canada. She soon turned to international development, devoting most of her time to the Aga Khan Development Network. Over the past 12 years, she has focused on monitoring and evaluation systems, program design, strategy development and resource mobilization. His professional experience has spanned several countries, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Syria.
Sofia Jadavji a débuté sa carrière en tant que Consultante en gestion des services de santé, travaillant dans les secteurs public et privé au Canada. Elle s’est très vite tournée vers le développement international, consacrant le gros de son temps au Réseau Aga Khan de développement. Au cours des 12 dernières années, elle s’est particulièrement penchée sur les systèmes de suivi et d’évaluation, la conception de programmes, l’élaboration de stratégies et la mobilisation de ressources. Son expérience professionnelle s’est étendue sur plusieurs pays, dont l’Afghanistan, le Tadjikistan et la Syrie.
Register for this session This session will take the form of an “Ideas Room”; a semi-structured forum where attendees are given space to have an in-depth conversation on a pressing global development data challenge and identify strategies to address that challenge, as well as connect with others who have similar priorities. Sessions will raise […]