Data for Change: Practical Conversations on Using Data to Drive Impact

Room 106 E

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This session will take the form of an “Ideas Room”; a semi-structured forum where attendees are given space to have an in-depth conversation on a pressing global development data challenge and identify strategies to address that challenge, as well as connect with others who have similar priorities. Sessions will raise key questions related to a significant data challenge and will put forth discussion prompts for the purpose of a rich conversation among station attendees. Specific strategies that CanWaCH and its members have been involved in will be put forward to prompt discussion. The purpose of this session is to show, rather than tell, attendees about some possible solutions to data challenges in their work, crowdsource ideas on others, and identify those interested in discussing specific challenges in more depth. Attendees will have a chance to ask questions, engage in conversation with their fellow attendees, and participate in hands-on explorations of the tools and resources where applicable. They will come away from the Ideas Room with new connections and new ideas about how to utilize data for change in their own work. While the stations will primarily use examples from the global health context, the tools, resources, and conversations raised will be relevant to practitioners in other sectors and all conference attendees are invited to attend.