
Rachel Vincent

Director of Advocacy & Media, Nobel Women’s Initiative

Rachel Vincent is the Director of Advocacy & Media with the Nobel Women’s Initiative, a collaboration of six women Nobel peace laureates in support of women human rights defenders in conflict countries. Since 2008, Rachel has led the organization in amplifying the work of grassroots women’s movements—including leading delegations in support of feminist-led efforts to end conflict and build peace. Rachel started her career as a journalist, working in the US, Canada and Mexico.  For the last 20+ years, she has provided strategic communications advice to governments, non-governmental organizations and civil society campaigns in the areas of health, foreign policy and violence against women.

Rachel Vincent est directrice du plaidoyer et des médias chez Nobel Women’s Initiative, une collaboration de six lauréates du prix Nobel de la paix en faveur des femmes défenseurs des droits humains dans les pays en conflit. Depuis 2008, Rachel dirige l’organisation en amplifiant le travail des mouvements féminins de base, y compris les délégations dirigeantes qui soutiennent les efforts menés par les féministes pour mettre fin aux conflits et bâtir la paix. Rachel a débuté sa carrière en tant que journaliste, travaillant aux États-Unis, au Canada et au Mexique. Au cours des 20 dernières années, elle a fourni des conseils stratégiques en communications aux gouvernements, aux organisations non gouvernementales et aux campagnes de la société civile dans les domaines de la santé, de la politique étrangère et de la violence faite aux femmes.

My Sessions

Closing Plenary Day 2: Tying It All Together: What Should Canada’s Foreign Policy Agenda Be?

Room 118

    The closing plenary will bring to the stage non-state leaders from four sub-sectors of Canadian foreign policy (aid, trade, diplomacy, security) to react to the Vision Statement and what they learned about the intersections of their interests through the Summit. They will also share their reflections on what is needed for non-state actors to influence the development […]

Diplomacy Humanitarian Aid Security Trade

Unintended Consequences: The Dire Impact of Sanctions on Humanitarian Aid & Peacebuilding

Room 106 D

Register for this session International sanctions imposed on countries by the United Nations and member states, including Canada, clearly exempt humanitarian activities.  Nevertheless, sanctions cause serious challenges and delays for humanitarian actors working in countries like North Korea (the DPRK) and Venezuela, and sometimes result in harm to vulnerable populations. Hear about the impact of […]

Humanitarian Aid Workshop